IV of Cups
breeds apathy
Now that your cup is full you can relax and meditate on your inner peace.
The IV of Cups is symbolic of emotional stability. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the ‘Lord of Blended Pleasure.’ A figure sits in an easy meditative pose or sukhasana and allows their thoughts to drift away. Four hands offer them four chalices, but the figure pays them no mind. Their hands rest palms down, a gesture that suggests they are closed off and not willing to accept them. However, they aren’t pushing them away either.
This card oversees the third decan of Cancer and is ruled by the moon.
In a reading this card may indicate that you are at a time in your life when your cup is full and you are satisfied with what you have. Take some time to be thankful and soak it in. Contentment is a rare and wonderful gift, but be careful not to become so comfortable that you become apathetic to new opportunities. It could be that now is not the right time to add more to your plate. Look inward to realign your priorities. If you refuse something now you may be able come back to it when you are ready. Are you closing yourself off as a means to protect what you have? Don’t forget that most things worth doing have some risk involved.
The reversed may suggest that you are retreating from life. Maybe you are bored or taking what you have for granted. Life’s challenges may have overwhelmed you into a state of defeat. Now may be a good time to take some time for yourself and realign. But keep in mind that too much introspection can be harmful. If you spend all your time searching for deeper meaning you could miss the gifts right in front of you. Live in the moment.