New Years Spread

New Years Spread

Happy New Year!

There are two spreads I do at the end of every year—a serious one for looking back and a fun one for looking forward. Today I’m going to share the first one.

I don’t really believe in fortune telling in the traditional sense because ultimately, your destiny is up to you. I believe that the best way to predict the future is to look to the past and see the patterns that emerge.

Use this spread to check in with your old patterns and decide if there are some changes you should make going into the new year.

New Years Spread

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

Level: Advanced


0 - Your significator

1 - Summary of your year

2 - A lesson learned that you should hold on to

3 - Something to leave behind or change

4 - Goal for the New Year

5 - What will aid you

6 - What will hinder you

7 - Creative/Emotional/Spiritual Outlook

8 - Career/Finance Outlook

9 - Relationship Outlook

10 - Health/Wellness outlook

11 - What to focus on

12 - A lesson to come

13 - The overall outlook for the year to come

Shuffle. Start at zero face up then place the rest of the cards face down. 13 covers 0. Flip and read them one by one until you reach the end. It’s important to read this with as much self awareness as possible. If you’re doing the spread for someone else, make sure they keep that in mind. Reflect on the year past. The direction of the reading is going to be directly based on the path you’ve paved for yourself and are currently following. If you don’t like the direction you’re going this is an invitation to change it.

My Reading


Not visible here is my significator, the Queen of Cups, in the center. My past year was defined by imbalance in the material aspects of my life which lead to stress and worry. A lesson I’ve learned is that sometimes my ambitions cause me to act impulsively. I need to find the focus to get where I want to go. I need to change my outlook on how to best achieve my goals and make a new plan. I should focus on changing my fortune by breaking out of negative patterns. To do so I will have to work extra hard, so much so that it may start to feel like a burden. Self doubt and a lack of will power could keep me from achieving my goals. Creative fulfillment will come from staying true to my roots and sharing my passions with others. I may finally feel comfortable in my financial situation. I need to work on my relationship with myself to find self-confidence and my own definition of success and to beware of imbalance messing with my other relationships. I need to think realistically and rationally about my health and do what’s right for me. There may be some trial and error involved until I figure that out. I should focus on avoiding disaster but not be overwhelmed by worst case scenarios. I will learn to be grateful for what I have and that help is available if I ask for it. Overall this year will be very busy and taxing and could lead to burn out. To avoid that I should balance my ambitions.

A lot of this is goal oriented, so I think it’s helpful to define what my goals actually are. These are my New Years resolutions in no particular order:

  • Finish the first draft of The Prism Tarot by Christmas Eve

  • Do more Yoga

  • Eat less beef and pork

  • Find a new/better source of income

  • Be less negative

  • Submit a short story for publication.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s year long journey spread!

VI of Cups

VI of Cups

