II of Wands
The World
in your hands
Your inspiration has been ignited, now it's time to find out where your ambition can take you.
The two of wands is symbolic of making an inspired decision and finding your own power. A figure looks out from their castle towards a universe of possibilities. In the Hermetic Tarot they are known as ‘Lord of Dominion.’ They hold the world in their hands, but must leave the comfort of the castle walls to truly experience it. Adventure awaits for those who seek it.
This card oversees the first decan of Aries and is ruled by the planet Mars.
In a reading, this card may represent a time of planning and discovery. It's about realizing what you need to do to make your dreams a reality and be successful in your endeavors. You may need a solid plan forward. You might need to find the courage to leave your comfort zone. Maybe you're just restless and ready to make a change. Whatever you decide, go forward with confidence.
The reversed may mean that you need to take a step back and reevaluate your motivations. Sometimes we have ideas of grandeur that we can never bring to fruition. If you're feeling bored or complacent with your current projects, start something new. Maybe you've outgrown your current situation and feel stunted. Leave it behind and go find your passion again.