II of Swords
An abundance of newly acquired knowledge can often lead to confusion.
The II of Swords is symbolic of seeking mental balance. In the Hermetic Tarot this card is known as the ‘Lord of Peace Restored.’ The figure's mind is calm, but they are blind to the circumstances that surround them. The two swords they grasp are equally balanced, but it isn't clear which points the right way. The crossing of swords can represent conflict, a crossroads, or a truce. The stones in the water are obstacles that must be overcome. The ripples are a reminder of the consequences of our decisions. No matter what path you choose, it will have an effect on your future. A waxing moon hangs overhead ready to usher in a new beginning.
This card oversees the first decan of Libra and is ruled by the Moon.
In a reading this card may be telling you it's time to make a decision about something you've been avoiding. You may know there's a problem, but you've allowed yourself to be blind to it. Your indecision or lack of action is keeping you from moving forward. You may need to take time to learn more about a situation before you can make a sound decision. You have to be logical and objective in the face of a crisis. If there is no right answer the conflict may need to end in a truce or acceptance of a stalemate.
The reversed may mean that you have to choose between the lesser of two evils. There may be no positive outcome to the situation. It could also mean that information overload is confusing you and you need to re-balance your mind. You may be third party to a problem you have nothing to do with and have no control over.