III of Cups
3 Cheers
for friendship
What better way to celebrate your newfound happiness than with close friends?
The III of cups is symbolic of emotional bonds and camaraderie. It is known in the Hermetic Tarot as ‘The Lord of Abundance.’ Three friends toast with abandon, allowing the water in their cups to freely spill over. The streams between them represent the emotional connection they all share. The two on the top pour into the one on the bottom causing it to overflow. While it is important to be able to fill your own cup, the company of loved ones can be just as effective at replenishing the soul. Each cup holds a plant to symbolize abundance. The laurel is a symbol of success and victory. The lilacs represent innocence, spirituality, and the sweetness of spring. The lotus represents beauty, purity, and the soul. There is an overall feeling of joy.
This card oversees the second decan of Cancer and is ruled by Mercury.
In a reading this card may be telling you that now is a time to enjoy the company of others. If you are going through a hard time it’s OK to lean on the love and support of others. Be sociable, put yourself out there, and show others compassion. It may also indicate a victory or success, especially when it relates to a common goal. As threes point to creativity, this one may be telling you to share your ideas with others or participate in a group activity.
The reversed could by telling you to take some time for yourself. Conversely, it may be suggesting that you’ve lost touch with your friends or family and should try to reconnect. Your creativity may be stifled by a conformist group environment. This card could also be trying to tell you that three’s a crowd. A third wheel, which could either be yourself or someone else, could be ruining a relationship.