III of Wands
in sight
Now that you have a plan you are fully committed to seeing it through.
The III of Wands is symbolic of determination and willfulness. It is known in the Hermetic Tarot as the “Lord of Established Strength.” The figure has descended from their tower, overcome the first step of the journey, and now has their feet firmly planted in the ground before their ultimate goal. They are chasing the power of a shooting star. They’re almost there and need only push themselves a little further to reach it.
This card oversees the second decan of Aries and is ruled by the sun.
In a reading this card may suggest that your persistence and planning are paying off. You’re on the right path to making your goals a reality. Keep your eyes on the target but don’t be tunnel visioned. There may be more opportunities in front of you than you previously realized. It could also be telling you to take a trip to a foreign land.
The reversed could mean that you need to take time to make a plan before setting off on a new enterprise. Be prepared for delays and obstacles that may come up between you and your goals. Try not to get frustrated, but embrace them as a learning experience and keep moving forward.