Queen/Cultivator of Wands
of the seed of power
The Queen of Wands sits upon the pillar of Boaz in the realm of air and gazes down upon their loyal knight. They receive and accept their offering of raw power and gently cultivate it. A first-quarter moon hangs in the sky, representing its half-fulfilled potential. They sit among above a vast desert, in tune with their powers of magnetic energy and confidence. In the Hermetic Tarot this card is known as the “Queen of the Thrones of Flame.”
The alchemical symbol for water is associated with the Queens.
In a reading, this card may represent a social, courageous, or determined person. They may be a sincere cheerleader who is motivated by a maternal instinct to share positive energy and encouragement. They are grounded, nurturing, creative, and receptive. The Queen of Swords may represent that same energy within you. They are an invitation to get in touch with your confidence and vitality. Allow yourself to be the center of attention, but remain grounded in your power. Let your enthusiasm be your strength instead of a weakness.
The reversed may represent someone whose abundant confidence makes them seem a bit vain. It is a reminder everyone’s definition of success is different. On the other hand, it sometimes indicates a time where you feel a need to be more introverted. You may have realized that you don’t need the approval or opinions of others and are firm in what you believe in. It is an invitation to spend some time alone to rebuild your confidence so that you may find the inner vibrancy and poise of a queen.