King/Ruler of Swords
of Intellect
The King/Prince of Swords sits upon their throne, the wheel of life. The six visible spokes refer to the position of the kings on the Tree of Life. Their wings provide stability and lightness. The two swords they hold represent the balanced power they have harnessed by way of the light and dark forces inherited from their parents, the Knight and Queen. The waxing gibbous moon that crowns them represents their almost fully realized power. They float in a cloudy, tumultuous sky, speckled with stars of hope. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the “Prince of the Chariots of the Winds.”
The Kings/Princes are associated with the alchemical symbol for Air.
In a reading, this card may represent an intelligent, analytical, or authoritarian person. They may be a spokesperson, judiciary, or analyst. They are sincere, compassionate, wise, and just. The King of Swords may represent the same energy within you. They are an invitation to seek balance in your intellectual world. Step into the role of a mentor or adviser who cares about truth, justice, and the practical needs of others. Approach mental issues with logic and clarity to achieve and maintain balance.
The reversed may represent someone whose intellectual world is not fully balanced. They may possess a quiet power and personal authority that is not outwardly expressed. They may be unsure of themselves or unable to make critical decisions. On the other hand, they may be a know it all, show off, or pretentious person. Kings are powerful, and unchecked power has the tendency to corrupt. This card reversed may represent someone who abuses their power by acting intellectually superior and forcing their authority on others. It is a reminder to seek balance to maintain control to avoid these extremes. You may be in the process of finding mental clarity. Welcome humility into your life to find a more constructive expression of your power.