The Path to Love
I love love. Of course, love is not something that occurs between only two people. It takes on a lot of different forms, but what I’m talking about is the love of The Lovers; love as represented by the harmony between two souls.
If you are in search of your other half this spread may serve to put you on the right path. You already know in your heart the kind of person that would be right for you, so never settle for second best. If you’re already in an established relationship you can use this spread to check in, remember what brought you together in the first place, and solidify the fact that you are meant to be. It may even provide some guidance as to how to stay connected or rekindle that flame. If you are truly a lone wolf you can use this spread to find a path from who you are now to the person you want to be.
The Path to Love Spread
Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven
Level: Beginner
A. Your significator
1. Encounter - What circumstances will bring you together?
2. Reveal - What can you find in this person that you have been looking for? What will they help you find within yourself?
3. Bind - What is the force that will bring and keep you together?
B. The significator of your partner
First, place your significator and that of the other person in the A and B positions. If the querent has someone in mind, pick a court card that you think best represents them. If they don’t, shuffle the court cards and allow them to choose one blindly. The other cards will create the path between the two and reveal the steps they must take to become one. Shuffle the deck with the rest of the court cards and place cards 1-3 face up in order.
My Reading
You can beef up the power of this reading by adding some rose quartz or garnet to the spread.
My significator is The Queen of cups and my husband’s is The King of Pentacles. The path between us revealed that we were brought together by our shared experience with figures aptly represented by the reversed King of Swords—manipulative, controlling, and abusive. In each other we found true harmony and completion— perfectly represented by The Lovers. We are bound by our focus on what’s important in life, being true, and supporting each other’s choices, inner wisdom, and values. We see each other for who we truly are and not who we want the other to be.
This reading honestly could not have been more perfect. Not that I needed the cards to tell me that we’re meant to be, but it’s still nice to hear.