VIII of Cups
Let go
to set yourself free
Confusion about the right path to choose may lead to the realization that you aren’t happy with the options set before you. Instead of continuing to follow your current path, you decide to leave the past behind and find a new one.
The VIII of Cups is symbolic of emotional change. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Abandoned Success.” The cups have been poured out, stacked neatly, and left behind. The arrangement suggests that one is missing from the set. That missing piece is the reason they’ve been left behind. The figure may have spent a lot of time filling their cups and have grown attached to the contents, but they’ve come to accept the fact that it’s time to let go and start on a new journey. The figure is leaving in the dark of night which suggests that maybe they are running away from something. There is a sense of melancholy here, but also hope as the moon lights the way forward along the stepping stones. The full moon represents intense emotion and the possibilities that can arise from harnessing them in a positive way. Change is a difficult journey that starts in darkness, is taken one step at a time, and ends when you see the light.
This card is ruled by Saturn and oversees the first decan of Pisces.
In a reading this card reveals that it’s time to make a change. You may find yourself just going through the motions of life with no real feeling of fulfillment, or perhaps you are acutely aware of your unhappiness. Either way, there is something you need to let go of in order to pursue what truly makes you happy. Before anything else you need to ask yourself what that is and what you are clinging to that is holding you back. It may be hard to let go, but if it’s something you feel you need to do in order to be happy, just do it. However, this card isn’t a nudge to just run away from your problems or lean into escapism. It may also serve as a reminder of some emotional conflict you’ve been avoiding that needs your attention. Before you can truly start fresh, you need closure.
The reversed may suggest that you are living aimlessly. It may also suggest that you are in a situation where you are unsure of whether to stay or go. Listen to your inner voice and moral compass for guidance.
The vernal equinox is coming up soon, on the same day as the full moon, and I can definitely feel it.
This comes at a time where I’m trying to let go of the current path I’ve been on for the past ten years or so and make some changes. Additionally, I’ve had an epiphany about the way I render the cards that will hopefully improve their quality going forward. With that in mind, I may get a little behind schedule while I try to fix the 36 I’ve already made.