The Chariot Revisited
““With the fickle winds of victory beneath their wings
the charioteer throws open a curtain of Stars
and bursts forth to soar across the galaxy.
With blind faith and sheer will
they command the guardians of light and dark
who tentatively heed their command
as they travel with divine purpose
even deeper into the unknown.”
After successfully balancing the masculine and feminine principles, the charioteer is able to achieve victory on the physical plane. Some schools of thought separate the major arcana into 3 sets of 7 cards. The first arc represents outer triumph. For The Fool this is only the first time the journey ends and begins again. From here they must realize that there is still much to learn and continue to move forward with powerful intention. In the Hermetic Tarot this card is known as the “Lord of the Triumph of Light.”
A figure commands their chariot with the power of pure will and determination. As the ultimate embodiment of the number seven they possess faith in themselves, wisdom and contemplation on their experiences thus far, and a strong intention. They wear a helmet because they are a warrior, a crown because they are a king, and laurels because they feel victorious. However, this sense of victory may be premature. They believe in themselves so much that they feel they have already conquered all there is to conquer, but in reality, they still have much to face and much to learn. However, this blind faith, while dangerous, is also very important and they must keep it in order to retain their dominion over nature the lions that dive their chariot forward. If the lions sense weakness they may turn on their master. The lion on the left represents the female principle, darkness, and severity. The lion on the right represents the male principle, light, and mercy. They are a physical embodiment of the pillars present in the High Priestess and Hierophant. They pull in opposite directions but if the charioteer stays true they will stay on the right path. They burst forth, breaking through the barrier of the card. Their energy cannot be contained. The waxing moon above them casts a light of inspiration. It refers to what’s coming into being and the celestial forces that drive them—especially the ruling sign of this card, Cancer. The wings represent inspiration, stability, and divine will. The 8 pointed star represents their dominion. The chariot is a vehicle for self-expression.
This card is ruled by Cancer.
In a reading, this card is a sign that you know what you need to do and now you need put in the effort to make it happen. It is full of energy and purpose and asks you to take action and control of whatever situation you are in. You will be successful as long as you believe in yourself and your purpose.
The reversed may be trying to tell you to take a step back and reevaluate your course of action. Don’t go full steam ahead if you don’t truly believe in what you’re doing. Like most reversals, it may also be representative of internal matters. Focus on your self discipline. Try to harness your inner strength and willpower so you can use it to achieve your goals. If you’re lacking direction, meditate on your ultimate goal. If you don’t know what you want it can’t materialize. Something in your life may feel a little out of your control right now. Let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you can do. It’s okay to let go of the reins sometimes and let someone else help you out.