IX of Wands
The battle is unending, and though your power may be fading, your resolve is strong and defiant.
The IX of Wands is symbolic of the clarity that comes with the attainment of power. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Great Strength.” A figure rises from their stronghold in the clouds. They try to rise, but are exhausted from the struggle. Their power is fading, as represented by their disappearing wings, but they are still willing to fight until the end to protect everything they have worked so hard to obtain.
This card oversees the second decan of Sagittarius and is ruled by the Moon.
In a reading, this card may reflect a necessity for defensiveness and tenacity. You have worked hard to get to where you are, but there could be a threat to your progress on the horizon. It’s up to you to determine whether this threat is real or all in your head. This card urges you to keep pushing forward until the end no matter what comes up. It encourages you to maintain your resolve in the face of adversity. Don’t take no for an answer.
The reversed may reflect the mental toll of a long, hard-fought battle. Constant challenges are making you lose sight of why you should keep pressing on and perhaps you are starting to consider giving up. You may feel overburdened and overworked. Lack of support from others may be making you feel like everyone is against you, making you feel defensive and paranoid. Help may be there for you if you ask for it, but it doesn’t always serve to depend on others for help. Your most important asset is your inner strength.