X of Cups
A Full Cup
When your cup is full, share that joy with others. Only then will you find complete emotional fulfillment.
The X of Cups is symbolic of emotional fulfillment. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Perfected Success.” Two figures look into each others eyes and hold hands. They are connected by the love and happiness which surrounds them. The ten cups stacked in front of them overflow. White birds representing nature and the spirit drink from them. A rainbow is formed by the refraction of light off the falling water. A lotus blooms at the peak of the fountain.
This card is ruled by Mars and oversees the third decan of Pisces.
In a reading this card may reflect a time of pure joy, love, peace, harmony, and family. Your emotions are stable, there is no tension in your relationships with others, and new relationships could be on the horizon. Allow your emotions to be your guide to happiness.
The reversed could reflect a desire for something that is missing in your life. You wish for happiness, love, and harmony, but something feels off balance. It may be time to reevaluate your relationships with others, and your relationship to yourself. Cut ties to toxic people and cultivate more positive relationships. This is a time where personal relationships should come before materialism, power, or intellectual pursuits. If your relationship to yourself feels strained, ask yourself what you want and what would make you happy. Only you can decide what is right for you. When your actions align with your values you will find happiness.