X of Pentacles
This life you’ve worked so hard to build is not only for yourself.
The X of Pentacles is symbolic of material longevity. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Wealth” Two figures, and adult and a child, sit in a gem encrusted tree. The adult looks to the child and offers them the fruit it bears, the child looks to the future. Their family tree is prosperous and will be for many years to come.
This card is ruled by Mercury and oversees the third decan of Virgo.
In a reading, this card reflects material success. You have everything you need now and a strong foundation for the future. Your long term outlook is positive and you can truly say you’ve accomplished something. However, you do not strive to keep it all to yourself. You wish to share your wealth with others so that they too may thrive. This card reflects a generosity of spirit that is not always related to finances. It may also indicate a time to enjoy family and reconnect to your ancestry and traditions. Perhaps you are the beneficiary of something wonderful.
The reversed may reflect a need to question how comfortable your life truly is. Ask yourself if you’re happy with what you have. It may look good on paper or from the point of view of others, but your soul may be wanting something more. It can also indicate greed or feeling like you always need more and more. Your relationship with the material may be out of balance. It may feel like financial security is the only thing that matters, whether you have it or not. It may also indicate a difficult time in your financial or family life.