Knight/Messenger of Wands
of Raw Power
The Knight of Wands soars before their Queen offering a message of inspiration, passion, and adventure. They move swiftly over a vast desert, propelled by fire and creating lightning. The waxing crescent moon represents their latent power. Their wings are swift and full of power. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the “Lord of Flame and Lightning.”
The alchemical symbol for fire is associated with the Knights.
In a reading, this card may represent a confident, charming, or firey person. They may be a restless or impulsive person who wishes to expand their horizons. They are passionate, inspired, and motivated by their need for power and influence. The Knight of Swords may represent a spark of creative energy within you. They are an invitation to explore the depths of your inner power and to work swiftly towards your goals. They also ask you to be an influencer and a leader. They may appear when the time has come to make a decision based on passion and impulse.
The reversed may represent someone who is too hasty, hot-tempered, or foolish. Their charm and self-confidence may cross the boundary into cockiness and superficiality. It may represent a need to harness your abundant energy into something productive. You may feel like you are ready to go full speed ahead with a project but have no clear direction. Being too hasty may also lead to missteps, delays, and frustration. It may be cautioning you against being too reactionary. Always think before you act.