Ancestral Guidance Spread

Ancestral Guidance Spread

With the thinning of the veil, it’s not unlikely that your ancestors may use the opportunity to try to send you a message. I had a dream a few nights ago that someone dearly departed came to me. I saw her face clearly, but I couldn’t remember what she was trying to tell me when I woke up. So I turned to my cards to try to help me remember.

Use this spread to help clarify the messages of your ancestors or other spirits. It will be especially powerful at this time of year.

Ancestral Guidance Spread

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

Level: Advanced


0. Place a photograph or token of the person in the center. Alternatively you can just use a significator if you don’t have one.

Begin with the broad questions:

1.Why did you come to me?

2. What are you trying to tell me?

Then break it down into more specific questions to clarify the message:

3. Who

4. What?

5. When?

6. How?

Then pay your respects:

7. How do you feel about me, my progress, my contribution to the family line?

8. What can I do for you in return for this message?

My Reading

  1. Why did you contact me? Ace of wands. She’s empowered right now because of the thinning of the veil. She wants to help me find my strength again.

  2. What are you trying to tell me? 5 of cups reversed. Let go of resentment and negative emotions that I’m dwelling on.

  3. Who? 4 of wands reversed. Discontent at home with family. I assume this is referring to my relationship with my husband.

  4. What? Stop fighting. Find peace within and without.

  5. When? Princess of Cups. When you emotionally mature. 

  6. How? Chariot reversed. By relinquishing control and starting down a new path.

  7. How do you feel about me, my progress, my contribution to the family line? Strength reversed. I am emotionally depleted and my emotions are still in need of a little control. I believe this is also a reminder that I’m not her and to stop comparing myself to her (because she was a Leo).

  8. What can I do for you in return for this message? 6 of wands reversed. She doesn’t want any recognition in return. Classic selflessness. 

This is the first reading I’ve done with my own deck and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it was the most powerful reading I’ve ever done and the clearest message I’ve ever received. I put my heart and soul into them and the power of that is just now feeling real to me. With that, and the thinning of the veil it was like I could literally feel her through the cards. I chose the queen of wands to represent her because she was a nurturing fire sign. The spread revealed many wands and Leo attributed cards. On top of that, the Chariot appeared, which is not a Leo card but features lions, which represent her to me. She also passed around this time of year. Doing this spread confirmed that it was really her coming to me in my dream. I just sat and cried for a while once it was done because I was flooded with emotions, old and new.

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