The Void
““I paint galaxies
to calm my weary mind.
I imagine floating
feeling weightless
embraced by blankets of light
colors I’ve never seen before
cold and warm at the same time
then darkness,
great things
are born
from nothing.
Everything begins
and ends
with the void.”
This final card is especially personal for me. I actually wrote the first part of this poem at a low point a few years ago, and it turned into the initial spark of inspiration for The Prism Tarot. I started out making these cards to comfort myself, to create a beautiful world I could get lost in. At times I got too lost in it, and partially because of that I am actually at an even lower point now. But I told myself I would finish it no matter what, which I did, and I still hope some good can come out of it. That's why I added the last verse.
The void is the darkness that lies at the center of the universe. It is the source of all destruction as well as creation.
In a reading, this card indicates that maybe you should probably put the cards away for now. You may not be in the right head-space to receive a clear message. It represents empty feelings, intentions, and sentiments. There may be a lack of fulfillment or awareness in your life. But it also represents opportunity. You may be on the verge of a big bang moment, something that can alter your reality and change the course of your life. It urges you to embrace your shadow self, if you aren’t doing so already, in order fully accept who you are and allow your light to shine through.
The reversed may indicate a blatant disregard for your shadow self that is holding you back from your true potential. You may feel as if there is a black hole inside of you, sucking all the joy from your life. Avoid catastrophic thinking, also known as the call of the void, or l’appel du vide in French. You may be acting soullessly or against yourself, doing things that feel like self betrayal or self sabotage. Act according to your true feelings. There is a void inside you that needs to be filled, and that can only be accomplished by embracing all that you are. Embrace both your light and your dark. Avoid extremes.
About the Bonus Cards
I included two bonus cards, The Prism and the Void, to expand your experience with the deck. However, if you'd rather read with just the traditional 78 you of course can do so. I'm definitely a purist myself, so I was hesitant to even add these, but I felt like for my message and theme to come through it was necessary. I want the experience to be your own though, so as I said about reading princesses or pages, do what feels right to you.