The Gemcutter's Oracle: Single Cut

The Gemcutter's Oracle: Single Cut

Single Cut

17 Facets

Positive Cuts: Beginning, Simplicity, Solitude, Individuality, Independence, Balance, Tradition, Material Comfort, Hope, Strength, Personal Power.

Negative Cuts: Greed, Loneliness, Impatience, Dissatisfaction, Avoidance, Dependence

Numerological Correspondences: 1, 8, 17

Tarot Correspondences: Magician, Strength, and The Star

The Single Cut represents going back to basics, tradition, the old magic. It is the start of something bigger. It may not be the most beautiful cut, but it is strong, balanced, and bright. Large facets act as a lens to allow you to gaze within.

Affirmations: I am always learning. I have everything I need within my own personal cosmos. My destiny is worth waiting for.

Runecarver's Tokens: Fehu

Runecarver's Tokens: Fehu

The Gemcutter's Oracle + Rune Carver's Tokens

The Gemcutter's Oracle + Rune Carver's Tokens