The Gemcutter's Oracle: Double Cut

The Gemcutter's Oracle: Double Cut


Double Cut

34 facets

Positive Cuts: progress, duality, covenants, contracts, evolution, personal power, intuition, control, good fortune, adaptability, diplomacy, cooperation, wisdom, introspection, synergy, union, alchemy

Negative Cuts: haste, superiority, vanity, secrecy, force, hubris, materialism, self-centered

Numerological Correspondences: 2, 7, 8

Tarot Correspondences: The High Priestess, The Chariot, Strength

The double cut represents evolution and the mingling of ideas to spur progress. It is a transitional phase, an important step towards reaching enlightenment, far from perfect but well on its way.

Affirmations: I am forward thinking, always growing and evolving at my own pace. There is more to me than what can be seen on the surface.

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