III of Pentacles
makes the dream work
You can’t always juggle everything on your own. Sometimes it becomes necessary to enlist the help of others with skills you don't possess.
The III of Pentacles is symbolic of working together with others towards the common goal of creating something new. Three people with different skills and backgrounds work together to make quick work of a difficult task. The three hands work to fuse the three pentacles into one. The hand of the worker hammers the setting which holds them together. The hand of the architect or draftsman uses math and planning to make sure they are aligned. The hand of the artist sees past what is physically there to bring out the hidden beauty, or sacred geometry, that is present in the arrangement of the three pentacles once they’ve been joined. In the Hermetic Tarot, this card is known as the '“Lord of Material Work. “
This card oversees the second decan of Capricorn and is ruled by Mars.
In a reading, this card could mean that your plans are going forward without a hitch and you just need to keep striving forward with diligence and enthusiasm. To do so, you may need to enlist help from others to accomplish your goals. If you are organized, work harmoniously with others, and welcome feedback and input from other viewpoints you will be successful.
The reversed could mean disorganization, conflict, or self interest within a group trying to work together. A triangle needs all three sides to stand. If you're working in a group, but too much of the burden is put on one person it will collapse. It's good to be dependable, but it is often those who are most competent who get taken advantage of. You may feel like your skills and hard work are being undervalued. Conversely, maybe you rely too much on others.