Samhain + The Wheel of the Year

Samhain + The Wheel of the Year

This is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year. For me, Summer is oppressive and suffocating. The moment it gives way to the cool restorative air of autumn, which can sometimes even be felt in Texas, I am able to thrive again. That moment on the wheel of the year is known as Samhain.

Samhain is one of 8 festivals celebrated throughout the year known as Sabbats. These festivals have roots in many ancient cultures, but in contemporary society they are primarily celebrated by Wiccans and other modern Pagans. Not being of any particular belief system myself, I don’t know the specifics of the traditional festivals and celebrations first hand. However, these days do coincide with many holiday celebrations that our collective culture partakes in. The cycle of the year is felt by everyone, no matter what you believe in. That’s why the wheel of the year as represented by the 8 Sabbats is at the center of my Astral Calendar.


Samhain occurs November 1st and is a Gaelic festival that celebrates the end of summer/beginning of the darker half of the year. It is also considered to be the time of the year when the veil between the spiritual realm and ours is the thinnest. Halloween, All Saints Day, and Day of the Dead are all celebrations of this time. It is a time for intuition and spirituality.

Yule or Midwinter occurs at the end of December and coincides with the holiday season and the new year. It is a Germanic celebration of the winter solstice. Over time the term Yule has become synonymous with Christmas, but is actually a pagan term. It is a time of rebirth.

Imbolc occurs February 1st and ushers in the beginning of spring. It coincides with groundhog day in our culture, which is especially poignant to me because I’m from Pennsylvania. It is a time of purification.

Ostara is a celebration of the Vernal Equinox. It is named for the Germanic goddess of spring and dawn. She is the true origin of the celebration of Easter, which like Yule has been appropriated by the Christians. It is a time of balance.

Beltane celebrates the beginning of summer and falls halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. In modern culture it is sometimes celebrated as May Day. It is a time of creation and cultivation.

Litha or Midsummer is a celebration of the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. It is a turning point.

Lammas or Lughnasadh is celebrated during the month of August and is the first of the autumn harvest festivals, the other two being Mabon and Samhain. It is a time to reap the rewards of hard work.

Mabon is a celebration of the Autumnal Equinox in September. It is a time for gratitude.


I first became interested in this topic when I read somewhere that the 8 spokes on the Wheel of Fortune may represent the 8 Sabbats of the year. The wheel also represents universal radiant energy, which is generated by the many endless cycles that exist in the cosmos.

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