IV of Swords
to move forward
During a long period of strife it’s alright to step back and take a moments rest before rejoining the fight.
The IV of Swords is symbolic of mental stability and restoration. In the Hermetic Tarot it’s known as the ‘Lord of Rest from Strife.’ A figure rests in shavasana, or corpse pose, in order to rest and recharge after a time of struggle. Their problems persist, but taking a step back can help them to reassess the situation. They lay upon 3 swords that support their head, heart, and foundation/feet because inner turmoil is most felt within those areas of the body. The sword above the figure represents the problem at hand which is weighing them down. The sword is within their grasp and they will be prepared to pick up the fight where they left off when they are ready.
This card is ruled by Jupiter and oversees the third decan of Libra.
In a reading this card asks you to take a step back. You may be going through a hard time right now. It’s OK, and sometimes necessary, to stop fighting for a little while and take a moment to realign and recharge before pushing forward. Look inward for change. Be passive in the face of conflict. Don’t make emotional decisions.
The reversed may suggest that you are working yourself too hard in an attempt to avoid dealing with inner turmoil. You need to meditate on whatever it is that you’re feeling in order to deal with it. You may be feeling restless or frustrated. If you are not satisfied with your life, perhaps you are being too passive. Take control. Be the catalyst for the changes that will make you happy.