VI of Wands
You’ve overcome struggle, discord, and confusion to rise above victoriously.
The VI of wands the symbolic of harmonious power. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the ‘Lord of Victory.’ A figure dons the wings and crown of victory. They soar high above their kingdom with the power of the 6 wands they now posses. Fireworks launched from below illuminate the sky around them in public celebration.
This card is ruled by Jupiter and oversees the second decan of Leo.
In a reading this card may suggest that you have successfully reached a major milestone in your life by overcoming hardship and struggle and focusing in on what you want. It is also representative of public recognition for achievement. You should be proud of how far you have come, so go ahead and celebrate. Your self confidence may be at an all time high. Use it to keep moving forward towards your ultimate goal.
The reversed could represent a fall from grace. Your confidence may have recently been shaken by a setback or lack of recognition for your efforts. You may be choosing to keep your success private to avoid public accolade because you feel you don’t deserve it. On the other hand, your pride may be verging on hubris, creating resentment in those around you instead of support.
You may recall that the Ace of Swords referred to this card in the beginning.