IX of Pentacles
yo’ self
The IX of Pentacles is symbolic of material attainment. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Material Gain.” A figure lounges on the beach in a hammock supported and surrounded by gem encrusted palm trees. They have earned this time of luxurious rest because of their diligence, hard work, and self sufficiency. The beach is reminiscent of the one on which the figure in the II of Pentacles stood struggling to find balance. Here, they have overcome their hardships and reclaimed the space as their own paradise.
This card is ruled by Venus and oversees the second decan of Virgo.
In a reading, this card may be an invitation to treat yourself to the finer things in life. You’ve worked hard to get to a point where you can indulge and enjoy a life of refinement. Your financial independence has opened a lot of opportunities for you. Take them and live life to the fullest. If you aren’t quite there yet, it may also be a gentle nudge to get you to that point. It is a reminder that if you put in the work and become more disciplined and self reliant, you too can thrive. If none of that resonates with you, this card may be less about finances and more about your connection with nature and the world around you. Even if you aren’t wealthy you can enjoy the simple things that make you happy like a warm summer day, or a cool autumn night. The beauty of nature is free.
The reversed asks you to consider your self-worth. Do you love yourself enough to put in the work to make your life better? Conversely, do you work so hard that you never stop to enjoy life or cultivate relationships with others? You may be financial stable, but if you hoard your wealth and don’t use it to better your life or the lives of others, what’s the point in having it? Ask yourself these questions, be honest, and try to re-balance. It may seem like it at times, but money isn’t everything.