IX of Swords
of the Mind
There are some things you can’t escape from.
The IX of Swords is symbolic of the toll of mental clarity. In the Hermetic Tarot it is known as the “Lord of Despair and Cruelty.” A figure falls surrounded by swords ready to impale them upon impact. They are in a nightmare from which they cannot wake.
This card oversees the second decan of Gemini and is ruled by Mars.
In a reading, this card reflects mental turmoil caused by anxiety, nightmares, depression, and fear. Knowledge and clarity can be a heavy burden because the truth is often harsh and difficult to accept. Overthinking always leads to greater turmoil. Negative thoughts can manifest themselves in reality, so beware of self full-filling prophecy. You may feel trapped in a prison of your own mind. Try to break free by changing your perspective and focusing on the positive. If you can’t do it alone, seek help. This card can also signify insomnia and other mental ailments.
The reversed may reflect the same emotions but on a much deeper, more personal level. The negative thoughts and fears that plague you come from within. Your view of yourself is skewed, so too is your view of the world. On the other hand, this card may reflect that you are reaching a point where you are able to release yourself from the mental anguish that has been weighing you down.