Verse, Void, and Virtue
This deck was born from Poetry.
In the summer of 2016, I was struggling with my health and feeling my own mortality in a way I never had before. Those feelings were hard to process, so I turned to writing. Writing is something I did a lot of as a child, but ‘writer’ is one of the many facets of myself I momentarily lost while ‘growing up.’ It felt nice to find her again.
The verse that started it all is this:
By the time I completed the deck I realized that this verse was the void from which the deck was born. It was this feeling of longing and helplessness that drove me to create it in the first place. So in the spirit of hope and gratitude, I added this line to the end:
So, the Void was born.
I then decided that each of the major arcana deserved their own verse to complete and communicate my whole vision. They followed suit by being born from pain and anchored in hope. That hope is not really for me, but for you. I don't want to share my pain, I just want it to be a lesson.
All of these verses will be included in the guidebook that comes with the deck.
This is definitely not the end of my writing. I find a lot of inspiration in the Tarot and I’m going to keep exploring it through verse. Sometimes its the only way I feel I can really communicate my feelings.